There is no greater satisfaction to know that justice has been served for our clients and that we have made a positive impact on the law.
Learn the basics of the appellate process, how to file an appeal, and the function of our office through our frequently asked questions.
Join The Washington Appellate Project. Fight for equal justice with a team of experienced and dedicated attorneys.
The Washington Appellate Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing the highest quality representation to indigent clients appealing criminal convictions, civil commitments, or terminations of parental rights. Our mission is to represent indigent appellants through our contract with the State of Washington, so unfortunately we are not available for private hire.
We have a group of experienced and committed attorneys working diligently to protect the rights of all citizens. We fight for our clients every step of the way. Our staff is passionate about making changes in the law to afford equitable justice for all people.
Work with an experienced group of attorneys dedicated to social justice while gaining invaluable knowledge and skills. Find out how you can join our team and make a difference!
Our Board is made up of a group of individuals who care deeply about social justice. Our members are an integral part of our organization. They provide oversight and guidance and are dedicated to ensuring the continued success of our office.